Kodesh Mishkan Theological Seminary

The Kodesh Mishkan Theological Seminary (KMTS) formalizes our discipleship education programs, for the Ministerial Internship Program, the Emergency Services Corps Chaplaincy Course.

The KMTS Ministerial Internship Program (MIP) was designed to be completed in a period of one (1) to three (3) years, depending upon the individual.

The curriculum will consist of a daily breakdown of the Bible and the KMMG Reading List, with accompanying video lectures from The Board of Governors and other trusted sources.

Online exams can be emailed or snail-mailed for grading.

MINISTERIAL INTERNSHIP WEEKEND – A conference presenting an overview of the KMMG Ministry Handbook.  Required for all ministry interns. Where technology allows, this course can also be viewed online. We hope to have it available on our YouTube channel soon.

YEAR ONE – Introduction to Christianity, Church history, KMMG doctrine and polity. The first-year goal is building a foundation in sound doctrine for all Christians regardless of their calling within the greater Body of Christ.

YEAR TWO – builds on the first-year lessons, focusing on deeper things. Introduction of the five-fold ministry offices will be addressed late in the second year. The Board of Governors may elect to grant ministry licensure at the end of the second year.

YEAR THREE – Students can select a specific ministry track at the beginning of their third year. Sponsor & Board of Governors approval is required for any given track, as Students learn the “how” of the five-fold ministry offices. Additional tracks (e.g.- Minister of Music) will be forthcoming. The Board of Governors may elect to grant ministry ordination at the end of the third year.

Progress will be assessed on a quarterly basis. But grading and sponsor contact will give us an ongoing assessment process. Our goal is to prepare ministers for long-term successes.

In the Spirit of Maximum Grace, KMTS will extend the period of internship so long as the Sponsor and the Internship Committee believe that the student is progressing on their Spiritual Path.

Our focus remains on quality Discipleship in sound doctrine, not speed nor size of following.

The formation of the Kodesh Mishkan Theological Seminary allows us to do what we are already doing…but do it better, and more formally.


Course Page Links

OCL101 – Developing a Life of Internal Prayer

OCL102 – Introduction to The Philokalia 

CS101 – KMMG Statement of Faith

CS102 – The KMMG Ministry Handbook (Link coming soon)

CS103 – Introduction to Chaplaincy


If you are interested in taking classes, please contact us at kodesehmishkanministrygroup@gmail.com

Kodesh Mishkan Ministry Group