Welcome to Kodesh Mishkan Ministry Group

Our Faith is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is Orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman. It isn’t non-denominational; it is pre-domininational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended, and died for The Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.

About Us


Theological Seminary


In Gethsemane, Jesus prayed for unity in The Church. The enemy seeks to divide us into disparate groups that have little contact with those that “don’t belong”. Sub-cultures are those groups: goths, punks, hippies, bikers, veterans, cowboys, cops, etc. If your group tends to think in terms of “us & them”, that’s a subculture!

Our mission is to find people who are ministering to one of these groups, and connect them together with other ministers in our Subculture Ministry Connection and other Facebook groups and social media, in the hopes that the subcultures can begin interacting together, breaking down walls of division and creating the unity for which The Lord prayed.


In furtherance of that mission, Kodesh Mishkan Ministry Group was formed to provide ministerial training and credentialing, diaconate and discipleship training.

KMMG serves as a Presbytery Ministry, providing supportive services to our Member Organizations and other cooperating subculture ministries. Our desire is to serve as “The Pastor’s Pastorate” in support of your efforts to fulfill The Great Commission.

Become a Sponsor. Get Involved.

KMMG has a variety of projects worldwide, from the Emergency Services Corps outreach in the United States to widows and orphans evangelism programs in Uganda. Your financial and material support is greatly welcomed and appreciated!