The Fairness Myth


Published on February 29, 2016

Much of the dissatisfaction within modern Christianity comes from a lack of understanding that “Fairness” is a myth.

Especially in the American Church, there is a struggle to accept what IS, because they are focused upon what they think “ought to be”!

Why can’t you find fairness anywhere? Because it doesn’t exist!

Orthodox Christianity recognizes that there are two states of being: “That which ‘is’”, and “That which ‘is not’”.

We may approach God in Faith, about what “is not, as though it is”, because God has the ability to change create anything in order to supply our needs.

However, we must recognize that “what is” exists BECAUSE GOD WILLED IT SO. ‘Why’ may not make sense to us. But we are told that (a) His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts, [1] (b) He knows what we have need of before we can think to ask for it, [2] and (c) ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD FOR THEM THAT LOVE THE LORD. [3]

So, the “Secret of Happiness” is TO LOVE THE LORD, because all things work together for our good when we do!

The fairness myth is perpetuated by the godless world: most often to accuse God of being “unfair” (e.g. Bill Maher or Sarah Silverman). In a truly “fair” world, we would all perish in our sins. A “fair” God would hold us accountable for each and every transgression.

But, praise The Lord, He has decided to be “unfair”; and take upon Himself the consequences of our sins: That NONE should perish, but have everlasting life! [4,5]

[1] Isaiah 55:8-9
[2] Matt 6:8
[3] Rom 8:28
[4] John 3:16-17
[5] 2 Peter 3:9