

Members of The Presbytery are ALL “tent-maker” ministers, who take no income from the ministry.  We at KMMG believe that this is an important distinction that sets us apart.  Because we take no income, we can faithfully preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ without reservation.

Your donations go to directly support our ministry activities   Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!

Other Ways to Give


Prayer is first and foremost one of the most important things that you can do. We also accept donations in various other forms. Goods, services, and volunteers are always appreciated and frequently needed.


We accept a wide range of goods as a donation. Some examples include food and kitchen equipment, camping gear, construction materials and equipment, furniture, and vehicles. We work hard to find good homes for any donated physical goods. Please contact us with any additional questions or specifics in this area.


Volunteers serve as the backbone of KMMG ministries. Having more boots on the ground, donating your time, is an important way that you can support KMMG. We can use your help with setting up and tearing down tents, preparing food and serving drinks, helping out with our biker events, and so much more. Please contact us to find out how you can serve as a  volunteer!