On Christian Pacifism

In recent days, my newsfeed has been crammed full of a lot of political and race-related hatred – way too much of which is spewed by purported Christians. We MUST DO BETTER than to resort to demagoguery and threats of violence! Therefore, I am taking another run...

The Fairness Myth

Much of the dissatisfaction within modern Christianity comes from a lack of understanding that “Fairness” is a myth. Especially in the American Church, there is a struggle to accept what IS, because they are focused upon what they think “ought to...

Tongue follows heart

Taming the tongue may well be the greatest single challenge of Christendom! But remember, Jesus said, “from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” {Luke 6:45, Matt 12:34} Thus, taming the tongue is a matter of first taming “the abundance of...
Kodesh Mishkan Ministry Group